NLP Master Practitioner


As you have already completed your NLP Practitioner Certification, The next step for your is to earn the Master Practitioner Certification. This program will get you further benefits and by enabling you to Master the skills learnt during your Practitioner Program, and new skills to deepen your NLP and Coaching knowledge. This is a Dual Certification Program where we will go through more in detail how NLP can be used to Coach. Along with that we will go through various other application of NLP in modern day business. A major focus of the Master Practitioner Training is understanding the structure of experience— it’s about learning how to learn and develop new models for yourself. There is no limit to what you can create for yourself once you understand “how you and others work.” This heightened awareness takes you to new levels of understanding and behaving. We welcome you to join us to become more responsive and alive, creating the opportunities that draw you towards your own compelling future.

During the NLP Master Practitioner training course, you will discover the Pattern to all NLP patterns – the model of successful intervention and change; you could call it the Meta NLP Pattern



We will go through various modelling methods in details:

Advanced Sub-modalities:

Advanced Strategies

A strategy is any series of internal and external experiences which consistently produces a specific outcome. Advanced Strategies will be explored during the program, which is again very important for Modelling excellence.

Advanced Meta-Programs

Meta-programs helps you understand how people sort and make sense of the world. They also help you understand your own values, beliefs and behaviors.

Change your own limiting meta-programs: If you have a way of processing the world that’s limiting your success, find a way to consciously adapt. You will explore identifying your own meta-programs during the program, and changing them in ways that will benefit you.

Identifying of Meta-Programs & Strategies

Perceptual Positions and their Meta-Programs

Changing Meta-Programs

Advanced Beliefs

During the program we will explore how Beliefs are formed and how they impact you. How to change limiting Beliefs and how to set powerful Beliefs.

We will go through various modelling methods in details:

During the program we will explore how Milton Model language patterns that are also part of the Meta Model (reversed) be used to create powerful hypnotic sub-conscious level messages to induce change conversationally. This is such an important part of Coaching, and can be used for Sales, with Kids etc.

Along with reversed Meta-Model additional Milton Model language will be practiced.

Additional Milton Model language patterns

Coaching using Metaphors

During the program we will explore how Metaphors can be used for Coaching.

Coaching framework

During the program we will explore States, Advanced Timelines, Advanced Anchoring, Visual Squash, Parts Integration, Working with Values, etc.


You will be all set to start your coaching business right after the certification

As an NLP Master Practitioner you will advance your skill set and take your knowledge to new heights. Deepening your level of understanding of the nervous system will not only benefit and empower you on a personal basis but will do so for your clients too. NLP Master provides you with even more techniques to create the ultimate change, delivering you and your clients into the world of your dreams.

If you are already a coach or trainer or a professional, you will be able to assist your clients in overcoming issues like

  • Business performance enhancement
  • Life Coaching
  • Personal Breakthrough Sessions
  • Relationship Counseling
  • Stopping Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Stress Reduction

Course Duration & Fees – NLP Master Practitioner & Advanced Coaching Certification

Course Duration: 8 Days

Course Fee: Please contact us to know the course fee, installment plan and current offers.